
Describes the Oracle Smart View for Office VBA function, HypLoginEssbaseCloudBasicAuth.

Data provider types: Oracle Essbase


The HypLoginEssbaseCloudBasicAuth function is specifically designed for use with Essbase for Cloud only. It requires that you use the "/essbase/rest/v1/session" REST endpoint URL for generating the login token.


HypLoginEssbaseCloudBasicAuth is for use in Essbase Cloud environments that support Basic Auth authentication. This function will not work with the APS_ONLY deployment type on-premises Essbase environments.


Public Declare PtrSafe Function HypLoginEssbaseCloudBasicAuth Lib "HsAddin" (ByVal vtUser As Variant, ByVal vtPassword As Variant, ByVal vtUrl As Variant) As Long

ByVal vtUser As Variant

ByVal vtPassword As Variant

ByVal vtUrl As Variant


vtUser: A valid user name

vtPassword: The password for this user

vtUrl: URL of the provider

Return Values

Returns 0 if successful; otherwise, returns the appropriate error code.


Sub LoginUsingBasicAuthForEssbaseCloud()
    Dim user, password As String
    user = "<user>"
    password = "<password>"
    url = "http://<serviceURL>/essbase/rest/v1/session"
    sts = HypLoginEssbaseCloudBasicAuth(<user>, <password>, <url>)
    If sts = 0 Then
        MsgBox "successful"
    End If
End Sub


If the session is invalidated due to timeout or other issues, you will have to rerun the VBA for reauthentication.