
Describes the Oracle Smart View for Office BI extension VBA function, GetPagePrompts.


Get page selections of a view.


Function GetPagePrompts(

objID As String,

PageEdges() As String,

PageSelections() As String

) As Boolean


objID: The ID of the view to get page selections from. If an empty ID is passed, the selected view will be used.

PageEdges: An output argument. Returns names of the page edges of the view.

PageSelections: An output argument. Returns the selected page values.

Return Value

Indicates if the operation succeeds or not.


Sub TestGetPage()

Dim obiee As IBIReport
Set obiee = New SmartViewOBIEEAutomation

Dim dims() As String
Dim pageSelections() As String

obiee.GetPagePrompts Empty, dims, pageSelections

End Sub