Cleaning Up the Diagnostics Folder

Once you have transmitted your diagnostics zip file to Oracle Support, you can clear the files in the diagnostics folder.


Clearing the diagnostics folder while Diagnostics is running clears all folders, except for the current session folders for currently-opened Microsoft Office applications. Clearing the diagnostics folder when Diagnostics is not running clears all diagnostics folders, including all the latest session folders.

Clearing All Diagnostics Folders, Except the Current Session Folders

To clear all diagnostics folders except the current session folders:

  1. Verify that Diagnostics is running.
  2. Click Clear Diagnostics Folder.

    This action clears all diagnostics folders except those created for the currently-running Office applications.

Clearing All Diagnostic Folders, Including the Latest Session Folders

To clear all diagnostics folders, including the latest session folders:

  1. If you have not already done so, in the Diagnostics group in the Smart View ribbon, click Stop Diagnostics.
  2. Close any opened Office applications, including the one in which you are experiencing an issue.
  3. Open any Office application and click Clear Diagnostics Folder.

    This action clears all diagnostics folders including the latest session folders for Office applications.