Determining Where a View was Created

You need to know if a view was created in the View Designer in Oracle Smart View for Office if you want to edit it in Smart View.

If you are unsure whether a view on a sheet was created in Smart View or Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition, you can verify the origin of the view in the Document Contents pane.

To determine the origin of a view:

  1. Open the Office document containing the view.
  2. Locate the view in the Document Contents pane, then right-click the view name, and then select Properties.
  3. Check that the value in the View Source field is AdHocDesigner.

    The possible values are:

    • AdHocDesigner—View originates from the View Designer in Smart View

    • Catalog—View originates from the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog

    • CopyFromAnswers—View was copied from Oracle BI EE and pasted into the Smart View Office document

    The views marked AdHocDesigner are the only views that should be edited in View Designer.

    Note that, in some cases, views created in Oracle BI EE may be loaded in to the View Designer in Smart View. Keep in mind that when you attempt to work in View Designer with views from Oracle BI EE, you are doing so at your own risk; editing these views in View Designer is not supported. Oracle only supports using the View Designer to edit those views that were created and edited using the View Designer in Smart View.

  4. If the View Source property is AdHocDesigner, the view can be edited in View Designer.

    If the View Source is Catalog or CopyFromAnswers, edit the view in Oracle BI EE.