Submitting Doclets

This topic applies to Office-based doclets of all types, including reference and supplemental. Unless otherwise noted, the term doclets refers to all Office-based doclet types.

After finishing their work, authors submit Office-based doclets to the report package owner or, if approval is required, to the doclet approver.

To submit a doclet, reference doclet, or Office-based supplemental doclet:

  1. If not already open, in the Smart View Panel, navigate to the doclet and double-click it to open it.
  2. In the Narrative Reporting ribbon, click Submit.

    The Submit button on the Performance Reporting ribbon


    In cases where multiple authors are assigned to a doclet, ensure that all authors are finished with their work before submitting the doclet.

    If approval is required, the current responsibility for the doclet is updated with the doclet approvers. If no approval is required, the current responsibility field is empty.


    If the doclet is not already checked in, then the Submit operation also checks it in for you.

After you submit a doclet, you can no longer check it out, although you can still open and inspect it from Oracle Smart View for Office or the Narrative Reporting web interface.

Note that once a doclet is submitted, the report package owner can check it out for further updates.