Formatting Options Supported for Planning Forms and Ad Hoc

Table 5-15 Formatting Options Supported for Planning Forms and Ad Hoc

Option Forms Ad Hoc
Use Cell Styles Yes Yes
Use Excel Formatting

—Move Formatting on Operations

No Yes
Retain Numeric Formatting Yes Yes
Adjust Column Width and Row Height Yes Yes
Freeze Row and Column Headers Yes

If Smart View Ad Hoc Behavior option is set to Standard:


If Smart View Ad Hoc Behavior option is set to Native:


Scale Yes Yes
Use Custom Number Format Yes Yes
Use Thousands Separator Yes Yes
Decimal Places Yes Yes
Negative Number Format Yes Yes
Repeat Member Labels Yes Yes
Show Distinct Page Member Names Yes Yes


Planning, Planning Modules, Financial Consolidation and Close, and Tax Reporting: If Disable formatting is enabled in the form definition in the web application, then the options you select in the Formatting tab in Oracle Smart View for Office are not honored in forms.