Features and Components of Oracle Analytics Cloud in Smart View

When connected to an Oracle Analytics Cloud data source in Oracle Smart View for Office, you can perform several actions.

  • Connect to Oracle Analytics Cloud.

  • Navigate through the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog.

  • Connect to multiple instances of Oracle Analytics Cloud and switch between connections.

  • Import pre-created views from the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog into Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, and Word. For example, you can:

    • Insert views—Oracle Analytics Cloud tables, pivot tables, and graphs—into Excel as refreshable, editable objects.

    • Insert views from different connections into the same Office document.

    • Apply Excel formatting to Oracle Analytics Cloud data; formats are retained when you refresh.

  • Copy Oracle Analytics Cloud Dashboard content and paste it into Smart View client documents. The data, metadata, and view layout are copied.

  • Create simple views in Excel using Oracle Analytics Cloud as the source for metadata and data.

  • Interact with content imported into Smart View documents, such as drill and prompt selections.

  • Manage the imported content in Smart View, including content from multiple connections; for example, refresh, mask, copy and paste, and document contents.

  • Mask data from Oracle Analytics Cloud objects in Excel so that users must log in to view the data. Masked objects can be viewed upon refresh.

  • Program using Visual Basic. See the Oracle Smart View for Office Developer's Guide for more information.

Key components are:

  • Ribbon—The Oracle Analytics Cloud ribbon contains Oracle Analytics Cloud commands for designing and publishing views in Smart View, inserting, and copying and pasting views from Oracle Analytics Cloud, editing prompts, masking data, editing, and setting preferences.

  • Catalog—The catalog is an expandable tree list of the Oracle Analytics Cloud dashboards, analyses, and views that are available to you for insertion into Excel. Each analysis expands to display all views available from that analysis. Only views that are supported and defined in Oracle Analytics Cloud, and for which you have permission, are displayed. You can refresh the catalog to display the latest list of available analyses and views.