Planning Unit Annotations

Data source types: Planning

You can add or view comments about data in a planning unit that is started. Annotations can vary by combinations of scenario, version, and entity members.

To add a planning unit annotation:

  1. From the Planning ribbon, select Approvals.
  2. From Manage Approvals, select a Scenario and Version.
  3. Click Go to display the list of planning units to which you have access.
  4. Select the planning unit for which you want to add an annotation. To filter the list, see Finding Planning Units.
  5. Optional: To view existing annotations for the selected planning unit, click Planning Unit Details and then the Annotations tab.
  6. Click Add Annotations button.
  7. In Approvals - Add Annotation, enter a title and annotations (up to 1500 characters). On multibyte systems, Oracle recommends limiting annotations to 750 characters. You can enter URLs and links as well as text.
  8. Click Submit.