Using the Private Connection Wizard

To create a private connection using the wizard:

  1. From the Smart View ribbon, click Panel.
  2. From the Smart View Panel, click the arrow next to Home button, and then select Private Connections.
  3. In the Action Panel, click Create new connection to display the Add Connection wizard.

    Alternatively, click the arrow next to Go button and select Create new connection.

  4. In Add Connection - URL, enter the URL for the private connection, then click Next.

    Follow the syntax guidelines in Private Connection URL Syntax.

  5. In Add Connection - Application/Cube, navigate to the application and database to work with, select it, and then click Next.
  6. In Add Connection - Name/Description, enter a friendly name for the connection and an optional description.
  7. Click Finish.
  8. Optional: To select a private connection, click the drop-down arrow in the connection text box in the Smart View Panel.

    Private connections are listed by provider type.