Copying Versions

You can copy data from one bottom-up or target version of a selected scenario to another bottom-up or target version within the same scenario.

For example, you can create a Best Case version and copy some or all the data in that version to a Worst Case version to quickly create a starting point for the new version.

You can copy between bottom-up and target versions.

  • When you copy to a bottom-up version, only the selected level 0 members are copied.

  • When you copy to a target version, all selected members are copied.

  • To protect data in approved planning units, copying a version does not copy to approved planning units.


To successfully copy data, when specifying the copy data criteria, you must select at least one member for the Scenario, Account, Entity, Period, and Version dimensions.

To copy a version:

  1. From the provider ribbon, in the Workflow section, select Copy Version.
  2. In Scenario, select the scenario to copy.
  3. In Copy From, select the source version.
  4. In Copy To, select the destination version.
  5. Click Go to display the available entities (planning units) for the selected source version.
  6. Use the arrow keys to move entities from Available Entities to Selected Entities.

    You can copy entities with a process status of not started or first pass.

  7. Optional: To copy associated information, select these options:

    • Copy Account Annotations

      Only annotations for selected entities are copied. If you are copying to a bottom-up version, only level 0 entities (and their annotations) are copied.

    • Copy Cell Comments and Annotations

    • Copy Supporting Details

  8. Click Copy Data.


Wait for the message indicating that the copy data operations was successful before loading another Web page.