Creating Functions Manually

You can create functions manually in Smart View.

See the Microsoft documentation and support site for information about character and other Excel function limitations.

To create a function manually in Smart View:

  1. Connect to a data source.
  2. Select a cube and, in the connection dialog that displays, select Set as Connection for Functions, and then type a name for the connection.

    In the below example, the connection name is MyVision.


    You must create a connection name for each new workbook.

    The connection name is saved with the workbook. When you reopen the saved workbook, you will not be prompted to enter a connection name.

    Figure 17-6 Connection Option and Name

    Connection dialog showing three options, Ad hoc analysis, Set Active Connection for this Worksheet, and Set as Connection for Functions. Also, a Name field where you enter the connection name to use for functions
  3. In the sheet, click the cell in which you want to enter the function.
  4. Enter an equals sign and then type the function name; for example:
  5. Enter parameters for the function according to rules described in Syntax Guidelines, using the information specific to each function in Function Descriptions.
  6. To add functions to other cells in the sheet, repeat steps 4 through 6
  7. To run the functions, refresh the sheet.

    Functions are validated only upon refresh.

    If any function is invalid, then all functions on the sheet, including valid functions, will display #Error. For example, an invalid dimension or member name will result in an invalid function.

    Review the functions for errors and refresh the sheet again.