Displaying Member Names and Aliases in a Grid

When connected to an Oracle Essbase data source, or an Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud Standard-mode application, you can display member names and their aliases from the currently selected alias table together in the same row.


  • This feature applies only to row members and not to column members.
  • Member names and their aliases are displayed in rows even when an alias table is not used, that is, when it is set to None. When the Member Name and Alias option is selected and the alias table is set to None, the row dimensions retain the aliases based on the last used alias table, while the POV columns are not impacted and continue to display the member names or aliases based on the last used alias table.
  • EPM Cloud: To enable the Member Name and Alias option for Smart View users working with ad hoc grids, Service Administrators set the application option, Smart View Ad Hoc Behavior, to Standard. All new and recreated applications are automatically set to Standard.

To display both member names and aliases:

  1. In Smart View, log in to your application.

    You may establish a connection by using a saved workbook containing ad hoc grids, or by starting a new ad hoc grid.

  2. In the Smart View ribbon, click the Options button, Options button, to launch the Options panel.
  3. In the Options panel, select the Members tab.
  4. Under General, for Member Name Display, select Member Name and Alias.
  5. In the Smart View ribbon or provider Ad Hoc ribbon, click Refresh.

For row members, both member names and their corresponding aliases are displayed. In this example, Account member names are shown in column A, and their aliases in column B.

A grid that displays members and their aliases as described in the previous paragraph.