Viewing Member Cell Information

You can view detailed information about any member cell on the grid.

The information displayed depends on the data source type to which you are connected.


  • For Oracle Essbase, in addition to member cells, you can also view cell information for data cells and change their solve order. For more information, see Changing the Solve Order of Data Cells.
  • For other data providers, you can view information only for a member cell.

To view cell information:

  1. Select a member cell in the grid.

  2. From the provider ad hoc ribbon or Essbase ribbon, in the Analysis section, select Cell Information Cell Information button.
  3. View the information displayed in the following tabs. Only the tabs that are applicable to the member and connection are displayed.

    • Information: A list of general information about the member such as dimension, level, generation, and so forth

    • Aliases: A list of alias tables and corresponding aliases associated with the member

    • Attributes: A table of the dimensions, members, and types of attributes associated with the member

    • Formula: The formula associated with the member

    • Comments: A list of comments associated with the member

    • User Defined Attributes: A list of user defined attributes (attributes of the member defined by the administrator)

  4. Click OK to return to the grid.