Setting Smart View Options

Set options for displaying data, members, formatting, and advanced settings using the Smart View Options.

In the Options panel, you can set global options in the Advanced tab. You can set sheets options, including display and formatting options, in the Data, Members, and Formatting tabs.

The following is an example of the Advanced tab of the Options panel. In this example, the Number of Undo Actions is changed to 4 (the default is 0), and Enable diagnostics is checked (the default is unchecked).

Figure 6-1 Options Panel, Advanced Tab

Options panel, Advanced tab

To summarize:

  • Global options apply to the entire current workbook, including any new sheets added to the current workbook, and to workbooks that are created later. Changes to global options also affect existing sheets and workbooks. The options that appear on the Advanced tab of the Options panel are generally global options.

  • Sheet options are specific to the sheet for which they are set. The options that appear on the Data, Members, and Formatting tabs of the Options panel are generally sheet options.

    You can apply your sheet option selections to all sheets in the current workbook by clicking the Apply to All Sheets button at the bottom of the Options panel.

    You can also save sheet options as the default for any new content that you import from a data source by using the Save Current Options as Default command in the Advanced tab of the Options panel.