Setting Hierarchy in Supporting Details

The supporting details hierarchy should reflect the type of information that supports the cell values and the mathematical operators that create the relationships. You can set and change this hierarchy.

To set hierarchy in supporting details:

  1. In a form or ad hoc grid, select the cells with supporting details.
  2. From the provider ribbon in the Data section, click Cell Actions and then click Supporting Details Supporting Details button.
  3. Set or change the rows that provide the details in the required hierarchy by putting the cursor on an item and clicking the options in this table:

    Table 9-1 Supporting Details options and their results

    Option Result

    Add Child

    Adds an item one level below the selected cell. You can add an unlimited number of children, but consider its potential performance impact.

    Add Sibling

    Adds an item at the same level as the selected cell. You can add an unlimited number of siblings, but consider its potential performance impact.


    Removes the selected item

    Delete All

    Simultaneously removes all supporting details


    Moves the selected item to the next-higher level


    Moves the selected item to the next-lower level

    Move Up

    Moves the selected item to before its sibling predecessor

    Move Down

    Moves the selected item to after its sibling successor

    Duplicate Row

    Adds a row below the selected item, duplicating its structure (text, operator, and values)


    For rows, copies the data from the current cell to the cells to its right


    Gets the latest stored database values, restoring the previously saved values, and possibly overwriting changes you just made.

  4. Click Submit.