Enabling Member Formulas for Calc on the Fly

Service Administrators enable member formulas in the web application and users can enable them in users preferences.

The member formulas are referred to as "user formulas" in the web application settings. These formulas must be enabled at following levels, so that users can use them for performing calc on the fly.

  • At the application level: Service Administrators enable formulas in application settings by selecting the Yes option in the Enable User Formulas in Ad Hoc list present under Other Options in Settings. For more information, see What Application and System Settings Can I Specify? in Administering Planning and What Application and System Settings Can I Specify? in Administering and Working with FreeForm
  • At the user preference level: As a user, you can enable formulas in your user preferences by selecting Yes option in the Enable User Formulas in Ad Hoc list present under Display in User Preferences. Note that this user preference setting overrides the application setting set by Service Administrators. For more information, see Setting Your Display Preferences in Working with Planning.