Defining Sets

To define a set:

  1. From the Smart View ribbon, select Panel to open the Smart View Panel.
  2. From the Smart View Panel, connect to an Essbase cube or application.
  3. From the Action Panel, select New Smart Query Sheet to display the Smart Query Panel in place of the Smart View Panel.

    You can select the arrow next to Home button to return to the Smart View Panel.

    Default dimensions for the connection are displayed in the Smart Query Panel and on the worksheet. The Smart Query ribbon is displayed.

  4. Optional: Pivot dimensions by dragging them from one area of the Smart Query Panel to another.
  5. Select the name of a dimension under Row, Column, or Point of View to display it under Sets for..., where you define the set.

    If the dimension exists in Row, Column, or Point of View , you can also start typing the dimension name in order to select it.

  6. In Sets for ...,, click the arrow next to the dimension name and choose Select Base Members.

    For POV dimensions, the members you specify in this step are available for selection from drop-down menus in the Point of View section. You can also enter these names directly.

  7. From the popup menu, select a member level to include in the set or select Other to open the Member Selector, where you can select specific members.
  8. Click the arrow next to the dimension name and select Add Custom Members (not available to Point of View dimensions).
  9. Select from among specified values for the set.


    When working with very long member names in Essbase, the Smart Query attempts to verify that the name works with Essbase. During the verification process, a numeric (for example, (1), (2), etc.) is appended to the long member name, signifying the number of verification attempts, up to 10 attempts. With each verification attempt, the numeric is incremented by one. Once the 10 attempts are completed, Smart Query proceeds with the last attempt, (9), so you can expect to see (9) appended to the member name.

    Optional: Select Other to define members with MDX expressions (see the Essbase documentation) in Custom Member Expression.

    MDX queries must be at least three characters long to accommodate the simplest member expression; for example, two operands and an operator. The OK button here is enabled only after the expression entered is validated.

    Queries are given default names, but if you choose to rename an MDX query, do not use the following characters:

    • Brackets ([ ])

    • Double quotation marks (" ") or their XML-encoded representation (""", """, """, """, """)

    • Single quotation marks (') or their XML-encoded representation ("'","'","'","'","'")

  10. Optional: To allow duplicate members in the set, click the arrow next to the set name and select Allow Duplicates in Set (not available to Point of View dimensions).

    This setting applies only to the set for which it is selected. When there are multiple sets in a Smart Query, members are displayed in the grid for all sets in which they are selected even if Allow Duplicates in Set is not selected. For example, if Jan, Feb, and Mar are selected as members for one set, and Level 0 members of Year are selected in another set in the same query, then Jan, Feb, and Mar will each appear twice in the grid because they are members of both sets.

  11. Optional: To rename the set, click the arrow next to the set name and select Rename.
  12. To save a set, click the arrow next to the set name, then select Repository, and then Save Set.
  13. In Repository Item, enter a name and description for the member set and click OK.
  14. Optional: To add additional member sets for this dimension, click the arrow next to a set name and select Add New Set and repeat the procedure.
  15. Select other dimensions from the Smart Query Panel and repeat the procedure as necessary to add members for other dimensions.