Viewing Inserted Member Formulas

You can view the member formulas by clicking a data cell containing formulas.

The formula appears in a tooltip on hover. You can also view it in Excel’s formula bar at the top of the sheet by clicking a data cell .

Before inserting the member formulas, the grid cells do not show any formulas in Excel’s formula bar or in the tooltip.

Figure 8-14 Ad hoc grid before inserting member formulas

Shows an ad hoc grid with Jan, Feb, Mar, and Q1 columns. For the Jan column, the values are filled for Over Time Hours, Payroll Tax %, Salary, Overtime, and Bonus cells. The Total Salary column for all three months and Q1 shows #Missing as no calculations are done yet.

After you insert the member formula, it appears in the tooltip of cells with formulas, along with the member names and mathematical operators.

Figure 8-15 Ad hoc grid updated after inserting member formulas

After inserting member formulas, the calculated value is displayed in the Total Salary cell for the Jan column. The cell also shows a tooltip with the member formula as Total Salary = Salary + Overtime + Bonus. All cells containing member formulas appear with green triangle indicators.

The tooltip displays the formula in two formats:

  • Member formula format: Displays the member names and mathematical operators involved in the formula. For example,
    member (Total Salary): Salary + Overtime + Bonus
  • Excel formula format: Displays the function name and Excel cell names involved in the formula. For example,
    =EssSum(C4, C5, C6)

The cells that contain member formulas are highlighted with a green triangle indicator. In Excel’s formula bar, you can click the formula and the cells involved in the formula are highlighted in the grid for easy identification.

Figure 8-16 Viewing cells involved in a formula

With focus on the Total Salary cell, the cells of Salary, Overtime, and Bonus are highlighted in the grid indicating that these three cells are involved in calculation of total salary.