Spreading Data for Time Periods

Data source types: Planning, Planning Modules, Financial Consolidation and Close, Tax Reporting

In a form, the spreading rules for time periods are set in the application as part of the as part of the dimension property settings. When you work with a form in Excel, and depending on how the form was set up by the administrator, data values can be spread, or distributed, in several ways:

  • Spread the value of a summary time period to its base time periods or to the first parent or first child of the parent time period

  • Spread values among children and parents proportionally, based on existing distribution

  • Spread values based on the weekly distribution of a quarter, which could be 4-4-5, 5-4-4, 4-5-4, or None (as set up by the budget administrator)

  • Temporarily lock the values of certain cells while spreading data over time periods (see Spreading Data with Cell Locking)

  • Spread values for different time periods using a different spreading rule for each separate time period on the same row or column dimension. For example, FY2013 can have formula fill, and FY2014 can have flow.


  • You cannot spread data in a summary time period that includes members with mixed currency types.

  • Excel formulas in child cells are ignored during spreading.

To spread data for time periods:

  1. Open a form.
  2. Select a cell and enter a new value.

    The value is distributed according to the rules described in "Adjusting and Spreading Data" in the Working with Planning

  3. Click Submit to save the new values.