Configuring the Opening of Reports from Task List

Reports from a task list can be configured to open in the web application or in the Office application.


The task in this topic is for Service Administrators or users who are familiar with editing the properties.xml file located by default in C:\Oracle\SmartView\cfg.

Reports in a task list can be opened either in the web application or in the Office application from where you are accessing the task list. By default, the reports are configured to open in the Office application itself. To default this behavior, the GET call is used and is set in the tasklistURLLaunch property present in the Smart View's properties.xml file.

If you want to continue with the default behavior, ensure that your property file has this configuration: <tasklistURLLaunch>GET</tasklistURLLaunch>.

However, if you want the opening of reports to be redirected to the web application, then you can hide this property, so that a POST call is performed instead of a GET call.

To change the default behavior and open reports in the web application:

  1. In your Smart View installation, navigate to the SmartView\cfg folder.
  2. Make a backup copy of the original properties.xml file.
  3. Open properties.xml for editing.
  4. Locate the following entry:
  5. Hide this property by adding a comment as follows. Commenting will help you enable this property easily, if required in future. For example:
    <! -- 
  6. Save the updated file.
  7. Restart the Office application.