Creating Available Content Using the Available Content Button in Reference Doclets

You can create available content quickly and easily using the Available Content button in the Narrative Reporting ribbon in Oracle Smart View for Office.

Using the Available Content button , the underlying named named range is automatically created for you based on the range you select in Excel. You have only to apply a name and optional description to the new content.


To add available content using the Available Content button:
  1. Open the report package, and then open the reference doclet.

    Do not check out the reference doclet. The Available Content button is enabled only when the reference doclet is checked in.

    The reference doclet should open in Excel. If you opened the report package in Word or PowerPoint, Excel is launched when opening the reference doclet.

  2. In the Excel reference doclet, select a range.

    The range can be a table or a graphic, such as a chart. If you select a chart, be sure to select a blank row above and below the chart.

  3. Click the Available Content button:

    Available Content button in the Narrative Reporting ribbon

    This launches the Define New Available Content dialog.

  4. In the Define New Available Content dialog, provide a name and optional description for the new available content.

    The range you selected is entered by default in the Excel Range text box. Or, you can type a valid range.

    The Define New Available Content dialog box
  5. Click OK.

    The new content is available for embedding in your Word or PowerPoint doclet.

  6. Optional: To disable the Automatically Resize Table Contents option in the newly created available content, see Updating Excel-based Reference Doclet Content and Properties.

    The Automatically Resize Table Contents option is not displayed to you when creating available content using Available Content button. This option applies to content created from an Excel table or grid, not a chart. To disable this option, you must edit the available content and clear the option.