Inspecting Variables

You can inspect for variables at the doclet level, or you can inspect individual variables selected from the variables list.

To inspect for variables:
  1. To inspect for variables in a doclet:
    1. Open a report package, select a doclet, and, optionally, open it.

      You can inspect for variables without opening the doclet.

    2. In the report package panel, click View Properties to open the Properties dialog box.

      If you opened a doclet, you can also click Inspect in Narrative Reporting ribbon to open the Properties dialog box.

    3. In the Properties dialog box, select the Variables tab, Variables tab from the Properties dialog box

      The Variables tab shows you the variables available in a doclet. The blue circle next to a variable contains the number of times that variable is in use in the doclet. For example, here is the variables tab from a doclet in a report package:

      Example of a the Variables tab in a doclet. Contains a list of all variables used in the doclet.
    4. Click the X in the top right corner to close the Properties dialog box.
  2. To view the properties of an individual variable:
    1. Open a report package, and then open a doclet.

      You do not need to check out a doclet in order to highlight variables.

    2. In the drop-down list in the Report Package panel, select Variables.
      Shows the options available in drop-down list in the Report Package. Options are Report Center and Variables.

      The list of variables available in the report package is displayed in the panel.

    3. Select a variable from the list in the Smart View Panel.
    4. Click the Options button, The Options button for a selected variable, resembles the head of an arrow pointing downward and, from the drop-down menu, select Inspect.

      The Properties dialog box for the selected variable is displayed.

      The Properties tab shows you basic information about the variable, including whether it is a static or reference variable. It also shows you the number of times the variable is used in the report package. Following are the example properties of a static and a reference variable.

      Shows two Properties dialogs for both static and reference variables. Properties listed are, Name, Description, Created by, Created on, Modified by, Modified on, Type of variable, and Used Count
    5. Select the History tab, History tab icon to view who made changes to the variable, and what changes were made.
    6. Click the X in the top right corner to close the Properties dialog box.