About Smart Slices

Data source types: Oracle Analytics Cloud - Essbase

A Smart Slice is a reusable perspective of a data source. It can be composed of a single member, a combination of single members, filters, or combination of single members and filters in any order. These components serve as boundaries to the data that users can view and work with in the Smart Slice. Any operation that can be done in Oracle Smart View for Office can be done within the confines of a Smart Slice.

An organization can have as many different Smart Slices as it needs to accommodate the specific data requirements of its users. For example, Smart Slices can be created for different sales geographical regions, different product lines, different time frames, or a combination of any of these dimensions.

You can view and work with any data within the boundaries of a Smart Slice, but not with data outside its boundaries. For example, in a Smart Slice that limits sales data to the Western region, you could drill down to data for California or Los Angeles, but could not navigate across to New York.