Using the Smart View Diagnostics Tools

Use the Oracle Smart View for Office Diagnostic tools to collect data about your issue in the form of log files and screenshots. The data you collect is stored in a session folder (either in the default diagnostics folder location or a location you designate in Customizing Diagnostics Features). When you are finished collecting diagnostic data, you use the diagnostic tools to zip up the files. Then you transmit the ZIP file to Oracle Support for analysis.

The procedure in this topic explains how to collect the diagnostic data, zip it up, and forward it to Oracle Support.

To use the Smart View Diagnostics tools:

  1. Click The Start Diagnostics button on the Smart View ribbon..

    When you click The Start Diagnostics button on the Smart View ribbon., a message is displayed regarding restarting Microsoft Office. You are not required to restart Office; however, Oracle recommends that you do so. Restarting Office enables the diagnostics tools to collect more information, including the steps that led to the issue you may be experiencing.


    After you click the The Start Diagnostics button on the Smart View ribbon, the button toggles to The Stop Diagnostics button on the Smart View ribbon.

  2. If you restarted Office, perform the steps in Smart View that led to the issue you are diagnosing.
  3. Click The Take Screenshot button to take screenshots that you feel will be helpful in documenting your issue.


    The screenshot includes the entire screen, not just the application. Be sure to minimize any confidential information that you may have on your screen so that it is not included in the screenshot.

  4. Click The Save Document button in the Smart View ribbon to save the currently-opened Office document to the diagnostics folder for the current session.

    You can perform multiple saves of the document, if necessary. Oracle recommends that you save the document at different points during the work you are doing in order to best demonstrate and show your issue. Each time you save, Smart View adds a suffix to the file name, (0), (1), (2), etc.; no documents are overwritten.

    The documents are stored in the current diagnostics session folder; the default location is:

  5. When you are finished gathering the diagnostics you require to adequately document your issue for Oracle Support, click The Create Archive button and in the Create Archive dialog box, specify a folder to store the archive and a file name, or use the default folder location and file name.

    The files are stored in your system's My Documents folder as follows:

    My Documents\Documents

    The file is named in the following format:
  6. Email the diagnostics zip file to your Oracle support representative.