Resolving Regression or Blocking Bugs in Production Environments

Depending on the severity of the issue, Oracle may initially patch some or all environments.

Regression or blocking bugs found in production environments are fixed using a one-off patch on the test environment of the customer who reported the issue. After customer testing and approval, Oracle applies the patch to the production environment.

If the regression issue is widespread, Oracle will apply an emergency patch containing the fix to all test environments. After three business days, Oracle applies the fix to all production environments.

Oracle may apply the emergency patch to all test and production environments at the same time if the issue hinders the normal functioning of environments.

If a fix is not immediately available, for services other than Narrative Reporting, Oracle may revert the production environment to the state it was in before the monthly update. Reverting environments involves cleaning the environment, applying the last monthly update, and then reloading the backup from the previous month. Additionally, Oracle will provide a loaner test environment to customers who request an additional test environment.