Execution Statistics

The Execution Statistics report provides a greater level of detail about a calculation run than the Job Library. Use the Execution Statistics report to investigate all job warnings and errors, rule by rule execution times, rule range sizes, script generation effort and total cells updated.

  • Review Job Warnings: The job warnings and errors section can provide direction on issues that were found with specific rules or errors that caused a job to fail.
  • Find Long Running Rules: When diagnosing performance, the rule execution times in the Execution Statistics report make it easy to find the rules that take the longest to execute. These rules should be the first option in looking for optimization through alternate rule designs.
  • Compare Rule Performance to Past Runs: When investigating performance, it is very useful to compare the performance of the calc run to a baseline run. Using the Excel option in generating the Execution Statistics report makes it possible to create spreadsheet with execution times for two runs side by side.
  • Review the Model Design Best Practices: If the rules are not performing as expected, review the Design Best Practices to optimize performance. See Application Design Best Practices.