
  • A sparse dimension aggregation should be ordered starting with the dimension that creates the fewest blocks to the one that creates the most blocks to keep the number of blocks as low as possible for as long as possible.
  • Do not make end user business rules to aggregate entire sparse dimensions.
  • Move only the aggregations required for reporting to the ASO Plan Type.
  • Aggregate the data required only for the planning approval process.

Using AGG instead of CALC DIM Calculation Commands

  • CALC DIM executes any member formula.
  • CALC DIM aggregates dense or sparse dimensions.
  • AGG aggregates based on outline structure.
  • AGG does not execute member formula.
  • AGG aggregates only sparse dimensions.

Test both AGG and CALC DIM, as performance can differ depending on the level of aggregation involved in the calculation. Exclude dimensions with dynamic calc on upper levels from all aggregations. Only aggregate the required data.