Troubleshooting Incorrect or No Data in Member Formula in Hybrid BSO and ASO Cubes

ASO cubes and hybrid BSO cubes use the solve order against members to determine the calculation order.

Always start the debugging of member formula by reviewing the data from a data retrieval in which all members from all dimensions are level0. If the data retrieval does not yield expected results at level0:

  • Review all members for dynamic calc formula to ensure that dependent elements are calculated in the correct order.
  • Retrieve the data again with all members from all dimensions set to level0.
  • Ensure that the retrieved data is correct.
  • Review other levels.

In your test, if the data does not calculate correctly at level0, review the members in the unit test to determine if another formula is impacting calculations. If the formula being debugged is the only formula in the unit test, identify its dependants and ensure that the order of calculation (as determined by the solve order against the member) is set correctly. A lower solve order will be calculated before a higher solve order. Where solve orders are the same, members are calculated in the default order by which members are evaluated in a dimension.