Use of FIX Statements

  • FIX statements are used to focus the business rule (keep the number of blocks being calculated as low as possible) to ensure that you only calculate the required blocks.
  • A FIX statement is recommended for sparse dimensions because it reduces the number of blocks that are required for the calculation.
  • Ensure that calculations are done on level 0 of all dimensions if the application design has a bottom up versions setup.
  • Where possible, use outer FIX statements on sparse dimensions and inner IF statements on dense dimensions.
  • All FIX statements should include members from all dimensions other than those within the calculation. If a dimension is excluded, all members from that dimension are included. This may be unnecessary.
  • Nest FIX statements where possible to reduce the number of database passes. Each full FIX statement requires a pass on the database. For example, you may use an outer FIX for Version, Scenario, and any other dimension selection that is static throughout the business rule.
  • For business rules associated with web forms, leverage the selected page and POV members in FIX statements to reduce the number of blocks calculated.