Managing Application Rule Growth

System interaction, backup, and migration performance can be affected by the growth in the number of rules across all POVs in the application. As part of system startup, rule definitions for all rules in all POVs are loaded into memory. This cache of rule definition data helps Oracle Hyperion Profitability and Cost Management maintain fast response times in the interface as well as in creating calculation commands when rules are run.

Over time, the normal project processes may lead to the creation of many copies of rules. Eventually, the proliferation of rules will impact performance. Service Administrators should track the growth of rules to maintain optimal performance.

Rule growth can be minimized by removing unnecessary rules from POVs and by adopting a Model POV concept instead of copying rules to every POV.

Remove Unnecessary Rules from POVs

When rules in a POV are no longer required for calculation, use one of the following methods to remove the rules:

  • Clear POV option in the Manage POV screen of Profitability and Cost Management
  • clearPOVEPM Automate command
  • Run ML Clear POV REST API

Clearing rules may be done independently of clearing data.

Adopt a Model POV Concept Instead of Copying Rules to Every POV

A better option to manage rule growth is to adopt the Model POV concept. Because Profitability and Cost Management allows the use of rules in one POV to be executed against one or more other POVs, you can manage one approved set of rules in a reference or Model POV and execute them against other POVs. This practice is particularly useful in cases where the rules do not change or change infrequently; for example, for actuals or for multi period budgeting or forecasting where the same rules are used for many periods.