Working with Notes

Notes provide a structured solution for end-users to enter POV-Based narrative text, in a report, either in a Note Box or inline in a Grid utilizing a Note row or column.

Note boxes display Notes in formatted reports along with grids and charts. You can utilize Note boxes where reporting structure and narrative requirements are uniform across Entities, Departments, and so on. In Reports, you can enter Notes in Note boxes where the report designer has inserted a Note Template while previewing a report in HTML.

Inline grid entry of Notes, via a Note column or row, provides POV-based commentary to be entered and displayed directly in the grid while previewing a report in HTML.

Notes can be displayed in reports either in a Note Template (one template per Note and POV selection) or in a report using either the Notes or GridNotes text functions.

The Notes text function provides a robust and flexible way to display Notes in a report in a text box.

The GridNotes text function displays Notes in grid text row, column, or cells, based on the POV of the grid.


This feature is available in Narrative Reporting deployments only.