
Icons are used to define areas on the Home Page.

There are up to ten main icons accessible from the Home Page for a System Administrator.

The ten main areas of the Home Page: report packages, tasks, messages, library, application, and settings.


The above image is captured using the Redwood theme. Click Tools, and then select Appearance. Explore the default Redwood theme.


Displays tasks to perform such as reviewing a doclet or signing off on report packages.


Displays notifications about actions you need to take or others took; for example, confirmation that an export file was created.

Report Packages

Displays the list of report packages that you can access.


Displays the list of books that you can access.


The ability to run a report or book for more than one member of a single dimension for one data source, generating a PDF output for each member.


Opens Reports.


Opens the Note Manager.


The central repository for report packages, reports, books, bursting definitions, folders, and other artifacts such as audit files.


The Tools card links to the following tasks in Narrative Reporting: Access Control, Appearance, Clone Environment, Connections, Machine Learning Files, Daily Maintenance, User Preferences and Settings.

  • Access Control

    Used by administrators to can create and manage group, where as in Narrative Reporting, an Application Administrator can create and maintain all artifacts, such as applications, models, dimensions, and data grants.

  • Appearance

    Used by administrators to set default display options for all users. For example, a company logo and background logo for the Home page.

  • Settings

    Used by administrators to configure Oracle Guided Learning (OGL). You can integrate OGL with Narrative Reporting.

    For information about creating an OGL application, see Getting Started with Oracle Guided Learning.

  • Clone Environment

    Used by administrators to perform a Clone Snapshot on a specific target instance.

  • Connections

    Used by administrators to create and manage remote connections directly from the Narrative Reporting Cloud page.

  • Machine Learning Files

    Used by administrators to manage the machine learning properties files that are used with the Generative AI narrative generation feature.

  • Daily Maintenance

    Used by administrators to set the daily maintenance time and perform backup and restore actions.

  • User Preferences

    Used by administrators to upload a photo, set your language and time zone, set notification email addresses, and customize other display items.


Displays links to videos and to the Cloud Help Center on using Narrative Reporting.

Navigating the Icons

After you leave the Home Page, a springboard is displayed with icons at the top of your page. An indicator points to your location on the springboard. In the example below, the Library icon is being selected and pointed to.

Shows the icons across top of page and indicator showing your location, also known as the springboard.

Select another icon to move to it.

Navigating to the Home Page

Use the Home icon Home icon in the upper right area of the Home page to return to the Home Page.