Working with the Ancestor Before Children Property

You can use the Ancestor Before Children option to display the ancestor members before child members instead of after the child members when using specific member selection functions.

For example, let us consider the "Year" hierarchy with four-quarter (Qtr) members, where the member selection function is "Children of Year (Inclusive)". If you set Ancestor Before Children to True, then the "Year" hierarchy is displayed in the grid as follows:

ancestor before children is set true

By default setting for Ancestor Before Children is set to False. For example, with Ancestor Before Children set to False, then the "Year" hierarchy is displayed in the grid as follows:

ancestor before children is set to false

The following member selection functions are supported by this property:

  • Descendants

  • Children

  • Bottom

  • Ancestors

  • Parent

  • Match

  • Except

  • Intersect


  • For the "Children", "Descendants", "Bottom" and "Parent" functions: The ancestor or parent members are displayed either before or after the children, depending on the property setting.

  • For the "Ancestors" function: The resulting hierarchy is shown sorted, the ancestor or parent members are displayed either before or after the children, depending on the property setting.

  • For the "Match", "Except" and "Intersect" functions, all resulting members are shown sorted, the ancestor or parent members are displayed either before or after the children, depending on the property setting.

  • When using this property with the "Except" function or "Intersect" function, the first parameter of each function must contain a hierarchy-based member selection function that is supported by this property: "Bottom", "Children", "Descendants", "Ancestors" and "Parent", and not individual member selections.

    For example:

    • Supported Syntax: "Except (Children(Q1), Feb)" or "Intersect (Children(Q1), Jan)"

    • Not Supported Syntax: "Intersect (Jan, Feb, Mar, Jan)"