14 Performing an Audit

Maintenance actions performed on artifacts and folders are tracked in a running system audit that details who modified an artifact or folder and which action was taken.

Report package maintenance and modifications, such as doclet check-in/out and Review phase initiation, are tracked in an artifact log for the report package, which details the actions taken, user id, time/date stamp, etc.

Report execution is also tracked in an artifact log. The log includes the report name, user id, time/date stamp, POV selections, and elapsed time.

The following artifacts and actions are not supported by the audit framework:

  • Book preview and editing

  • Bursting definition editing and execution

  • Report design changes and saving

Two types of files can be generated for audits based on your role or permission:

  • System Audit File—Only the Service Administrator can generate a System Audit File to capture all entries between the default first timestamp (date and time) for the system log and a selected end timestamp. The starting timestamp of the records cannot be edited.

  • Artifact or Folder Audit File—Can be generated for selected artifacts or folders by the user who has Administer permission for the artifact or folder, or the Service Administrator. This audit file provides an extract of the transactions, based on a selected date range. An audit file can be created for the following system generated and system personal folders and user created folders:

    • My Library

    • Report Packages

    • Reports

    • Folders


You cannot create an audit log for the system generated Recent or Favorites folders.

The audit logs are stored in the system-generated Audit Logs folder in the library. All users can view the Audit Logs folder, but they can view only the audit files that they created. Users cannot copy or move artifacts into or out of this folder. You cannot grant access to audit logs to another user. Only the Service Administrator and the creator of an audit log can view them.

After you create the audit files, you can download them to your local file system for review.