Sample PDF Report Package

This sample PDF Report Package Contains ten doclets, including four Reports report doclets and one Excel doclet, along with three reference doclets.

Table 8-3 List of all the Sample Doclets, Reference Doclets, and Embedded Content

Doclets / Reference Doclets / Embedded Content Descriptions

Cover Page

Contains date label, which is driven by the PeriodEnded variable.


Contains Word-based table of contents, which is generated by Narrative Reporting when the report package output is generated (for example, Preview, Review Sign-off, Publish, Download, and Distribution).

Executive Summary

Contains a Reports doclet with a link to the Sample Report 0, which contains two hidden grids that drive a bar and a donut chart, as well as a text box’s text functions which return summarized data points for a few accounts. Static narrative is displayed in a text box as an example, Notes can also be used for this purpose.

The report POV for Entities is set to Total Entities.

Financials Section Header

Finance - Revenue Report (MS Word)

Contains a Word doclet with the following embedded contents "Summary Income Statement" grid from the Vision Management Report (MR Reference) reference doclet and the Income Statement Waterfall and Revenue – Bubble Chart from the Vision Income and Revenue Analysis Report reference doclet.

There are 8 variables inserted into the doclet:

  • NetIncome_Above/Below

  • NetIncome_Value

  • NetIncome_Var%

  • NetRevenue_Above/Below

  • NetRevenue_PlanValue

  • NetRevenue_Value

  • NetRevenue_Var

  • Period_Ended

Finance - Consol Balancesheet (MS Word)

Contains a Word doclet with the "Consolidated Balance Sheet" grid from the Vision Statement (Excel Reference) reference doclet.

Finance - Notes

Contains narrative text only, no embedded content or variables.

Management Reports Section Header

Income Statement

Contains a Reports doclet with a local Sample Report 1 with printable pages set in the POV for the Segments dimension, to print four pages of the report, one for each selected Segment member. The report contains a grid with Income Statement accounts in the rows and Scenarios in the columns, with two formula columns to display the "% of Net Sales" for each account in the row.

The report POV for the Fiscal Calendar dimension is driven by the CurrentMonth variable. Changes in the variable refreshes the report, and doclets where its embedded content is inserted, automatically.

Income Statement Trend

Contains a Reports doclet with a local Sample Report 4, which contains a grid with income statement accounts in the rows, Scenarios and Fiscal Calendar dimensions in the columns. The grid displays a rolling report for the months in Actual and Plan, depending on the POV set for the Fiscal Calendar dimension.

The report POV for the Fiscal Calendar dimension is driven by the CurrentMonth variable. Changes in the variable refreshes the report, and doclets where its embedded content is inserted, automatically.

Sales Summary

Contains a Reports doclet with a local Sample Report 2, which contains three charts (pie, bar, and line charts) that are each driven by grids that are part of each chart definition. This report is not driven by the CurrentMonth variable.

Sales by Territory

Contains a Reports doclet with a local Sample Report 3, which contains a grid and a chart, where the grid has Entities in the rows and Scenarios in the columns. The chart is driven by the displayed grid.

The report POV for the Fiscal Calendar dimension is driven by the CurrentMonth variable. Changes in the variable refreshes the report, and doclets where its embedded content is inserted, automatically.

Financial Appendix Section Header

Regional Balance Sheets - Excel

Contains an Excel doclet with four worksheets with Smart View ad-hoc queries to the Narrative Reporting Sample Application and Model. Each worksheet is a Balance Sheet report for different Entity dimension members. The first worksheet, Rules, has the static variable CurrentMonth being inserted. The four worksheets with Smart View ad-hoc queries contain a formula link to pull the CurrentMonth variable into the POV on each worksheet. Updating the variable value will update all POV’s within the workbook.

Financial References Section Header

Vision Statements (Excel Reference)

This reference doclet contains Smart View ad-hoc queries against the Narrative Reporting Sample Application and Model.

The first four worksheets:

  • Summary Income Statement - Smart View ad-hoc query, which drives some of the reference variable sources in the Rules sheet.

  • Rev & Gross Profit Analysis - Smart View ad-hoc query, but not used in any doclets.

  • Balance Sheet - Smart View ad-hoc query, grid is inserted as an embedded content in the Finance - Consol Balancesheet (MS Word) doclet.

  • Metrics - Smart View ad-hoc query, but not used in any doclets.

  • Rules - contains the inserted variable CurrentMonth which is referenced, through cell formulas, by all four query sheets to drive the Fiscal Calendar (time period dimension) selection (default of Dec). It also contains cell formula references to the Income Statement sheet values and Excel formulas to calculate variance results and directional words – all of which source the seven reference variables.


If the static variable value for CurrentMonth is changed, for example to Dec, the Vision Statement doclets needs to be downloaded, checked out and queries refreshed, then checked back in, for the reference variable values to be updated in the system.

Vision Management Report (MR Reference)

This Reports reference doclet contains a local report against the Narrative Reporting Sample Application and Model.

Contains one grid and one chart. The report POV for the Fiscal Calendar dimension is driven by the CurrentMonth variable. Changes in the variable refreshes the report, and doclets where its embedded content is inserted, automatically.

  • Summary Income Statement - grid is inserted as embedded content in the 3. Income Analysis doclet.

  • Revenues by Segment Chart – chart is defined as an Available Content but is not used in the Report Package.

Vision Income & Revenue Analysis Report

This Reports reference doclet contains a link to the Sample Report 2b (Advanced Charts), which contains waterfall, bubble, treemap and sunburst charts that are driven by hidden grids.

  • Income Statement - Waterfall chart is inserted as embedded content in the Finance - Revenue Report doclet.
  • Revenue Actual vs PlanBubble chart is inserted as embedded content in the Finance - Revenue Report doclet.
  • Revenue by Segment - Treemap chart is defined as an Available Content but is not used in the Report Package.
  • Revenue by Segment - Sunburst chart is defined as an Available Content but is not used in the Report Package.