Get all top level report packages




Query Parameters
  • A comma separated list of fields to return for each Report Package. If no fields are specified, the default fields (reportPackageId, name, description) will be included.
  • The maximum number of Report Packages to return.
  • The list of Report Packages returned will start at this offset into the full list.
  • A comma separated list of fields used to sort the list of Reports being returned. The value is specified by the format "field:order" where order is either "asc" for ascending or "desc" for descending.
  • The query used to filter the Report Packages. The expression format must adhere to the SCIM Protocol Filtering Specification RFC 7644 Section
    q=description co "Budget" and modifiedDate gt "2017-01-01T12:00:00Z"

There's no request body for this operation.

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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Request successful
Body ()
Root Schema : ReportPackage
Type: object
Report Package
Show Source
Nested Schema : preview
Type: array
Read Only: true
Show Source
Nested Schema : reportCenter
Type: array
Read Only: true
Show Source

400 Response

Invalid parameter

500 Response

Service Error
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