Get the report output




Path Parameters
Query Parameters
  • The Report content will be generated in the specified format. If the embedded format is requested, the caller will be redirected to the Narrative Reporting web interface to display the output in an embeddable web view.
    Allowed Values: [ "pdf", "embedded" ]
  • The Report will be generated using the dimension and member selections specified in the global point of view (POV). The selected members will apply to the Report elements configured to accept a POV. The globalPov is specified as a comma separated list of dimension:member values.
  • The Report will be generated using the selections specified for each of the prompt values. The prompts parameter value is specified as a comma separated list of promptId:selection values. The prompt Id is a UUID as returned by the prompts request on the Report resource. The selections can be semi-colon separated if the prompt allows for multiple selections. For example, prompts=24fdcfca-a5d4-4123-a60f-5169abc21837:Actual;Budget,56fdcfca-5423-b54d-a60b-3156abc23478:2017;2018

There's no request body for this operation.

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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Report content in the format requested
Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: string(binary)

307 Response

Redirect to an embeddable HTML view of the Report output

400 Response

Invalid parameter

404 Response

Report UUID not found

500 Response

Service Error
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