Create a new Job


https://<servername>:<port number>/epm/rest/v1/jobs

Start a new Narrative Reporting job for asynchronous execution by the service.


There are no request parameters for this operation.

Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/json ()
Narrative Reporting Job
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
Narrative Reporting Job
Show Source
    The Job type to execute. The valid job types are: * EXPORT_LIBRARY_ARTIFACT - The specified artifact will be exported to the Library or to a location where it can be downloaded later. * IMPORT_LIBRARY_ARTIFACT - The artifacts contained in the specified file will be imported into the Library. * CREATE_DB_SNAPSHOT - The service will create a new database backup snapshot file (EPRCS_Backup.tar.gz) and make it available for download using the EPRCSCTL download_db_snapshot command or the EPMAutomate downloadFile command. The service maintains the latest database snapshot only. This command will replace any prior snapshot that was generated by the daily maintenance or by executing this job type. * EXECUTE_BURST - The specified bursting definition will be executed. * CREATE_REPORT_SNAPSHOT - Create a report snapshot based on the passed in parameter of either the report id or report name.
  • parameters
Nested Schema : parameters
Match One Schema
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Nested Schema : ImportArtifactJobParameters
Type: object
To execute an artifact import from the Library, the following parameters may be specified.
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  • true or false value. If true, the file being imported will be deleted after a successful import (default is false).
  • (optional) The log file name to be created. The log file will be available to download using EPMAutomate's downloadFile command.
  • The import file's name. If the file is located in the Library, importFile should specify the full path to the Library file. If the file was uploaded to the Files REST API, importFile should specify the temporary file UUID that was returned from the Files API. If the file was uploaded using EPMAutomate, importFile should specify the file name used for the upload.
  • The Library folder where the artifact will be imported.
  • Allowed Values: [ "Native", "File" ]
    The format of the file to be imported. * Native - The file will be imported as a native NR / EPRCS exported file. (default) * File - The file will be imported and retain its original format. For example, if the imported file is a zip file, it will be imported to the Library as a zip file.
  • Allowed Values: [ "Temporary", "Library", "File" ]
    The location of the import file. If no import location is specified, import will attempt to lookup the three possible repositories. * Temporary - The import process will use the file that was uploaded using the Files REST API. * Library - The import process will use the file from the Narrative Reporting Library. * File - The import process use the file uploaded by EPMAutomate's uploadFile command.
  • true or false value. If true, the permissions that are included in the import file will be re-assigned after a successful import (default is false).
  • If true, the artifact will be overwritten if it exists in the in the importFolder specified (default is false).
Nested Schema : ExportArtifactJobParameters
Type: object
To execute an artifact export from the Library, the following parameters may be specified.
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  • The application name associated with the Report being exported. This parameter is required when using the LCM export format.
  • The artifact to be exported.
  • Allowed Values: [ "ReportPackageResourceType", "ReportResourceType", "ReportSnapshotResourceType", "FolderResourceType", "FileResourceType", "FontResourceType", "BurstingDefinitionResourceType", "BookResourceType" ]
    The type of the artifact to export. Supported artifact types are "ReportPackageResourceType","ReportResourceType","ReportSnapshotResourceType","FolderResourceType","FileResourceType","FontResourceType","BurstingDefinitionResourceType" and "BookResourceType"
  • The log file name to be created. The log file will be available to download using EPMAutomate's downloadFile command.
  • Allowed Values: [ "Native", "File", "LCM" ]
    The export format of the exported artifact. * Native - exports the artifact in native in NR/EPRCS format which is a zip file(default). * File - exports the artifact in its original binary format. For example if the artifact is a PDF or MS Word doc, it will be exported as a PDF or a Word doc and not as a zip file. * LCM - The artifact will be exported in the EPM LCM format. This format can only be used for Reports. When using the LCM format, the applicationName parameter must also be specified.
  • The Library folder where the exported artifact will be stored.
  • Allowed Values: [ "Temporary", "Library", "File" ]
    The destination for the export. * Temporary - The artifact will be exported for download using the Files REST API (default). * Library - The artifact will be exported to the Narrative Reporting Library. * File - The artifact will be exported to a file that can be downloaded using EPMAutomate's downloadFile command.
  • The file name to use when exporting the artifact.
Nested Schema : CreateDBSnapshotJobParameters
Type: object
When creating a new database snapshot, the following parameters may be specified.
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  • The log file name to be created. The log file will be available to download using EPMAutomate's downloadFile command.
Nested Schema : ExecuteBurstJobParameters
Type: object
When executing a bursting job, the following parameters may be specified.
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  • The full library path of the burst definition to execute. This parameters should be passed if not passing the path as part of the burstingDefinitionName.
  • The id of the burst definition to execute. This parameter should be used if not passing a burstingDefinitionName parameter.
  • The name of the burst definition to execute. The name can contain the full library path of the artifact. This parameter is required if burstingDefinitionId is not being passed as a parameter.
Nested Schema : CreateReportSnapshotJobParameters
Type: object
When creating a new report snapshot, the following parameters may be specified.
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  • (Optional) The Report will be generated using the dimension and member selections specified in the global point of view (POV). The selected members will apply to the Report elements configured to accept a POV. The globalPov is specified as a comma separated list of dimension:member values.
  • (Optional) The library folder to save the snapshot into.
  • (Optional) Parameter indicating if the snapshot should overwrite an existing snapshot.
  • (Optional) The Report will be generated using the selections specified for each of the prompt values. The prompts parameter value is specified as a comma separated list of promptId:selection values. The prompt Id is a UUID as returned by the prompts request on the Report resource. The selections can be semi-colon separated if the prompt allows for multiple selections. For example, prompts=24fdcfca-a5d4-4123-a60f-5169abc21837:Actual;Budget,56fdcfca-5423-b54d-a60b-3156abc23478:2017;2018
  • The ID of the report to execute the snapshot. This parammeter is required if not passing the reportName parameter.
  • The name of the Report to execute the snapshot. This parameter is required if not passing the ReportId parameter.
  • (Optional) The name the snapshot should be saved as.
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Supported Media Types

201 Response

The Job was received and queued by the server.
Body ()
Root Schema : JobStatus
Type: object
Status of a Narrative Reporting Job.
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400 Response

Invalid parameter
Body ()
Root Schema : ExceptionDetail
Type: object
Detailed exception information.
Show Source
  • Human-readable description specific to this occurrence of the problem.
  • HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem, set by the origin server.
  • Short, human-readable summary of the problem.
  • Absolute URI [RFC3986] that identifies the problem type.

500 Response

Service Error
Body ()
Root Schema : ExceptionDetail
Type: object
Detailed exception information.
Show Source
  • Human-readable description specific to this occurrence of the problem.
  • HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem, set by the origin server.
  • Short, human-readable summary of the problem.
  • Absolute URI [RFC3986] that identifies the problem type.
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