Viewing Books

While viewing a Book, you can perform the following tasks, by selecting Action menu options.

viewing books


The output type of the Report is retained, based on the selection made at the time of previewing a Report. For example, if you change the selection from HTML to Excel, then each time you execute a Report the output will be converted Excel workbook and downloaded to a local machine.

To switch your preview mode:

  • If you select PDF, the Book will be executed in PDF format, and you can select Download as PDF, and then you can either select Local or Library.

    book pdf option
  • If you select Excel, the Book will be executed and converted Excel workbook. You can download the file locally. Also, you can select Download as Excel and select either to Local or Library.

    Book Excel Option

    When downloading a book as Excel:

    • Only Reports are included in the Excel output. If book contains Word or PDF documents, or inserted Books, they will not be included in the Excel output.

    • A table of contents (TOC) sheet is generated with links to individual report worksheets, based on the TOC Headings defined in the Properties panel in the Book Designer. Since Excel’s maximum number of worksheet characters is 31, the worksheet names will be truncated to fit the 31 character limit, where applicable.

  • You can Refresh the book.

  • You can display POV member by clicking Member Labels: Alias or Member Name, or Both.

  • You can select the Alias Table for the book.

The following governors in books from a sizing and book execution standpoint.

  • If there are more than 500 cascade expressions, which is the combination of all POV dimension selections for all sections and reports, the book will not execute and will return a maximum cascade expressions error. This maximum is the product of all POV dimension selections.

    For example, if you have a section with two POV dimensions and the following number of selections:

    • Entity = 100 selections

    • Account = 6 selections

    100 x 6 = 600, which is above the allowed governor amount.

  • If the number of cascade expressions which are executable (Books or reports) is over 200, the book will not execute and will return a maximum cascade expressions error. This maximum is the number of all resulting book and report outputs, based on the POV selections.

    For example, if you have a sections with one POV dimension that has 100 selections with three reports:

    100 x 3 = 300, which is above the allowed governor amount.