Overview of Embedding Content from a Reference Doclet

A Reference doclet is used as a container for common content, for example a P&L report, ad hoc grids, or named ranges from an Excel file in a regular doclet. Doclet authors can embed that content in their assigned doclet of the report package through Oracle Smart View for Office or the web (Narrative Reporting). The embedded content is automatically updated whenever the Reference doclet is checked in through an automated server refresh which ensures the data is always the latest for all consuming doclets of the content. Within the Reference doclet you can develop stylized content for doclets using Microsoft Office Excel with named ranges or Reports charts, grids, notes, and text objects and make them available to other doclet authors to consume. For example, using Microsoft Office Excel, a Reference doclet author can create a table, give it a named range in Microsoft Office Excel, and make it available content so it can be used by doclet authors as embedded content within their doclets. Same for Reports. A Reference doclet author can create charts, grids, notes, and text objects in Reports and make it available content so it can be used by doclet authors as embedded content within their doclets.

A Reference doclet author can create one or more valid named ranges within their Microsoft Office Excel workbook or charts, grids, notes, and text objects from Reports that other authors within the report package may reference in their doclets.


When an Excel worksheet uses a double-line bottom border on the last row of a named range, an extra row appears in the embedded content within a consuming doclet. To correct, resize the row below the row that contains the double-line bottom border. You can keep the double line border in the last row intact, but resize the next row to be very small (but not hidden.) From Excel, select any cell in the relevant row and choose Home, then Format, and then Row Height and enter a small value such as 2 or 3. The extra space is included in the embedded content, but it has a minimal impact.


Vertically displayed content in Excel cells in a reference doclet (in Format Cells > Alignment > Orientation) will appear horizontally when inserted as embedded content into a Word doclet.

The general embedded content process is as follows:

  1. Reference doclet author creates common content such as named ranges from Excel or charts, grids, notes, and text objects from Reports and makes them available content for doclet authors.


    You cannot have mixed content from an Excel or Reports file in a Reference doclet. You have to have either an Excel or Reports Reference doclet, they can't be one and the same, they need to be separate.

  2. Doclet authors can check out a reference doclet and make content available to embed in their doclets.


    Authors of other doclets with view access to a Reference doclet can insert Excel named ranges or Reports available content into doclets.

  3. Refresh - Reference doclet authors refresh content and the report package auto refreshes all instances of embedded content within the doclets.

    When a POV is updated for Excel or Reports Reference doclets in a report package:

    • For Reports reference doclets, the report snapshot is regenerated and any doclets containing embedded content from the report are automatically checked out, updated, and checked in.

      For Excel Reference doclets, you need to check out the Excel Reference doclet, change the POV, if needed, and perform a Smart View refresh.

    • Upon check-in, a new version of a doclet is created.

    • There’s no need to open files locally and refresh manually after the POV change is made.

    • If a variable is used for the POV in the Reports reference doclet and the "auto-update variables"’ option is selected, the doclets consuming available content are updated.


Modifications to your service’s uploaded fonts may temporarily cause Embedded Content images in PowerPoint to appear with overlapping or misaligned text when refreshed. This issue will be corrected after the next Daily Maintenance window. To expedite the resolution of this issue, your service administrator can use the runDailyMaintenance EPM Automate command.