Copying a URL to Clipboard

The Copy URL to Clipboard feature provides the ability to copy the URL of a Library artifact such as a Report Package, Report, Snapshot Report, Book, or a third-party file. The URL will launch the artifact directly into a thin viewer or download the third-party file. Once copied, the URL can be distributed so users can easily access the artifact or file via a direct link. It can also be set up as a browser favorite.

The thin viewer that is launched with a native Library artifact allows basic functionality from the Actions menu, without the ability to Save the artifact. This feature is available in all Library systems and user-created folders (including cards on the Home page), and all users with at least View permissions to an artifact can copy a URL.


  • This feature is not available for multiple selections, only a single selected artifact.

  • This feature does not apply to folders.

  • The user launching the copied URL will need at least View access to the artifact.

Copying a URL for Library Artifacts

To copy a URL, perform these steps:

  1. Log into Narrative Reporting Cloud. On the Home page, select Library.

  2. Navigate to a Library artifact such as Report Packages, Reports, Report Snapshots, or Books. For example, if you select Reports, highlight a Report, and then click the Actions icon to select Copy URL to Clipboard.

  3. Paste the URL where needed. Upon clicking on the URL, the Library artifact will be launched in a browser window.

Copying a URL to download the Third-party File

To copy a URL and download third-party files such as an MS Office or PDF file, perform these steps:

  1. Log into Narrative Reporting Cloud. On the Home page, select Library.

  2. Navigate to, and highlight, a third-party file and then click the Actions icon to select Copy URL to Clipboard.

  3. Paste the URL where needed. Upon clicking on the URL, a browser window will be launched. Select Download to view the file.