Organizing and Maintaining the Library

From the navigation pane, here are some of the actions available to organize and maintain the library using the Action action gear icon to organize or maintain the library.


Some of the following actions might not apply to system-generated personal folders or system personal folders.

  • Inspect—Review and change properties, access, view history. See Inspecting Folders and Artifacts for more information.

  • Move—Relocate a folder and the contents to a new location.

  • Audit—Extract results that can be used to investigate a folder.

  • Refresh—Update a folder to view the latest changes to the contents.

  • Export—Makes a zip file of a folder and it’s contents and adds it to a location of your choosing.

From the content pane, depending on the folder type or artifact selected and security applied to the location (folder) or artifact, here are some of the actions available to organize and maintain the library using one of the Action action gear or down arrow icons:

  • Download—Move or copy a folder or artifact to a different location.

  • Inspect—Review or change; properties and access, and view history for a artifact or folder. See Inspecting Folders and Artifacts .

  • Delete Favorites Shortcut—Removes shortcut from Favorites folder.

  • Audit—Extract results that can be used to investigate a folder.

  • Add to Favorites—Allows an artifact to be displayed in the system-generated Favorites folder.

  • Export—Makes a ZIP file of a folder and its contents and saves it where you choose.

  • Import—Imports a file from library or locally.

  • Copy URL to Clipboard—Provides a direct URL to open a Library Artifact such as a Report Package, Report, Snapshot Report, Book, or a third-party file.


When an artifact is selected from the content pane of the library, it automatically opens the artifact in its native environment. For example, when you select a report package it opens in the report center. You are prompted to open or save third-party documents, such as XLSX files.