Loading Dimension Members

Dimensions can be added to your application in two ways:

  • Load members to a dimension from a pre-formatted dimension build flat file. As an example, a formatted file for the Sample Application is available from the Library.

  • Add members manually. See Manage Dimensions Through the Hierarchy Editor.

To load dimension members:

  1. From the Application Dimensions and Models tab, hover over the name of the dimension for which you want to load members to display the drop-down menu arrow, and then click to display the options.

    From the dimension name drop-down, select Load Members.
  2. Select Load Members.
  3. On the Load Members dialog box, click Browse to navigate to the formatted .csv or .txt load file for the selected dimension from the file system.

    Browse to the formatted load file, and select the load options.
  4. On the Load Members dialog box, select the Load Options. For detailed instructions, see Loading and Extracting Dimension Members.

    The Load Options must reflect the formatting applied to the dimension build flat file.

  5. Click Load Members.

    A message confirms the successful completion of the load. If errors exist, open the Exception file from the error dialog box to determine what you must do to complete the load.

  6. Click Close to dismiss the confirmation dialog box.