About Business Rules

Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management supports the creation of business rules in Calculation Manager.

You can create business rules in Calculation Manager using the Groovy scripting language. Groovy scripting allows you to design sophisticated rules that solve use cases that normal business rules can't solve. For example, you could create rules to prevent users from saving data in forms if the data value is above a predefined threshold, update a global driver by returning a calc script, move and rename members, and create metadata and data with validations. See Resources for Designing Groovy Business Rules.

Business rules created in Calculation Manager can be launched in Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management from any place that you can execute a calculation script; for example, from the Business Rules page, within the context of a form, in the Job Scheduler, and in dashboards. To launch business rules, the rules must first be deployed in Calculation Manager. See Launching Business Rules.

You can diagnose performance issues with business rules and pinpoint and address any issues using activity reports. Activity reports identify which business rules are taking the longest to execute. You can then open the rules in Calculation Manager, review the log, and optimize the steps within the rule to improve performance. See Viewing Rules Usage.


  • Business rules in the PCM_CLC and PCM_REP cubes are created in Script mode using the Groovy scripting language. (The Graphical view in Calculation Manager is not available for business rules created in the PCM_CLC and PCM_REP cubes.) Any additional cubes allow you to use both the Graphical and Script modes to create business rules.

  • The ASO Custom Calculation and ASO Allocation functions, executeASOcustomcalculation and executeASOallocation are not supported for PCM_CLC and PCM_REP cubes.


For help with designing business rules to avoid common execution errors and optimizing slow rules, see Troubleshooting Business Rule Errors and Performance in Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud Operations Guide.