About Filtering Data in Views

You can use filters to restrict the data displayed in the views. Filters can be created at run time (after the data is displayed), or when designing the chart or pivot view.

You can filter data in the following ways:

  • Filter bar in a view

    Using filters from the Filter bar enables users to dynamically decide the criteria that must be applied to the view data. The specified filter condition is applied at run time, after the view is generated and the display is updated to reflect the applied condition. See Using the Filter Bar to Adjust Your View.

    For example, add a filter to the Filter bar in the Tasks list with the Assignee column selected. You can use this filter to dynamically filter the chart data by selecting one or more assignees.

  • Filter in the Layout tab of the Edit Pivot or Edit Chart dialogs

    This filter is added by the view designer. The specified conditions are applied on the data before the data is included in the pivot view or chart view. You can create a filter for each data set listed in the Legend (Series) section. See Setting the Chart Layout.

    For example, if you create a filter condition for a data set with Status set to Open, only open tasks are included when charting that data set.