About the Pyramid Chart Type

Pyramid chart types use a triangle diagram to represent hierarchies visually. The triangle is divided into sections, illustrating vertically top-down and broad-narrow structures and processes.

Example 3D Pyramid Chart

Dashboard 2.0 3D Pyramid and Pie Chart Example

Dashboard designers can set these pyramid chart properties:

Table 16-8 Pyramid Chart Properties

Setting Description

Legend Position

Choose Left, Right, Top, Bottom, or None.

Value Scale

Especially useful for large numbers, you can scale how a value is displayed. For example, if the value is 1,689,000 and you select K - Thousand as the scaling option, the chart displays the value as 1,689K.

Your scaling options:

  • None: No scaling is applied.

  • Auto: The value is displayed based on its range. For example, 1,500 displays as 1.5K, 1,689,000 displays as 1.69M, 42,314,531,211 displays as 42.31B, and 1,234,567,891,234 displays as 1.23T.

  • K - Thousand: The value is displayed as thousands units. For example, 1,689,000 displays as 1689K.

  • M - Million: The value is displayed as millions units. For example, 123,456,789 displays as 123M.

  • B - Billion: The value is displayed as billions units. For example, 12,345,678,912 displays as 12B.

  • T - Trillion: The value is displayed as trillions units. For example, 1,234,567,891,234,567 displays as 1,234T.

3D Graph

Choose Yes to visualize the data as a 3D chart.


Select Default or click a section of the pyramid chart and choose a custom color for that section.