Enabling Email Notifications

Service Administrators can set up Email Notifications for Task Manager users. When you enable email notifications, batch notifications are generated. When the notification is no longer required, you can deactivate email notifications and reminders.


By default, email notifications are not enabled.

Administrators can also assign the number of days before a due date to send reminder notifications.

Due Date reminder notifications are emailed to Assignees and Approvers in these conditions:

  • Responsibility for a Task Manager action changes - sent based on information in the action

  • A due date is missed - sent based on information in the action

  • A due date is approaching - sent based on the number of days in advance that you specify

To enable email notifications:

  1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
  2. Click the System Settings tab System Settings tab on the left.
  3. Select Email Notifications.
  4. For Email Notifications, select Turn On to initiate the notification, or Turn Off to deactivate the notification.
  5. Enter an email for the From Address. You can edit the address to supply a specific address, or to include a product acronym to alert the user where the notification is coming from. If the From Address field can be edited, enter the email. Otherwise, the default email address displayed is no.reply@epm.oraclecloud.com and can't be edited. Email notifications also include the service name in the footer of the email. For example: "Note - This is an automated email notification generated from EPM Task Manager on efim.arcs".
  6. Enter the Number of days before due date to send reminder.
  7. Select the User Specified checkbox. When the administrator selects this checkbox, then the users can customize their personal email notification settings. If the administrator does not select this checkbox, user inherits the settings made by the administrator.
  8. Use Email Start Time and Email End Time to specify the time period in a day when scheduled emails will be sent. This setting will take effect in each user's individual time zone. Manage Email Notifications Settings
  9. Specify settings for Notification Type. The following types of notifications can be defined:
    • Late Notification
    • Status Change Notification
    • Due Date Reminder Notification

    Notification Type

    Select an option for Notify Me:

    • Immediately: For example for Status Change Notification, expand Task Manager, and then expand again to choose You are the alert approver and alert status changes to open with approver. Then select Immediately to be notified as soon as an approver takes action.


      If you set Notify Me to Immediately, the email notifications are sent immediately even when it is outside of the user's email start/end time.
    • Once a day
    • Every 2 hours
    • Every 3 hours
    • Every 4 hours
    • Every 6 hours
    • Mixed
    • Never: Select this option to deactivate a notification. Note that this option is only applicable for Status Change Notification and Due Date Reminder Notification. For Late Notification, only the following notification types get this option:
      • You are the task owner and task assignee is late
      • You are the task owner and task approver is late


    For each type of notification, expand each notification preferences and choose when to be notified:

    For example for Status Change Notification, expand Task Manager, then expand and select You are the task approver and task approver is late. Select Every 2 hours as a choice of notification.

    Note that you can override a setting at a lower level (for example, configure Notification Type to Every 2 hours, and override one of the Conditions to Once a Day). Then the parent setting(s) displays the word Mixed, to provide a visual indication that more than one preference setting has been assigned to child level settings. You can change the value from Mixed to a different preference setting; the child level settings are changed to the new setting.

    If an Administrator disables the Email Notifications in Services, then notifications are suspended.

    For more information, see Managing Notification Types and Settings.

    See also "Notifications" under Setting User Preferences in Administering and Working with Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management.