Defining Task Manager Attributes

To define a Task Manager attribute:

  1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
  2. Click the Attributes icon Attributes tab on the left.
  3. Click the New icon New icon, then on the Properties tab specify the following properties:
    • Name: You can enter a maximum of 80 characters.


      You can create an object using the same name that you used earlier and deleted. Any objects that were previously linked to the deleted object will be associated with the new object.
    • Description: You can enter a maximum of 255 characters.
    • Type:

      • Date

      • Date/Time

      • Integer: Allows a value between -2147483648 and 2147483647. For Total, specify the totaling method for the attribute:

        • None (default): No total is calculated.

        • Average: The average of the rows with data. Rows without data are not counted in the denominator

        • Count: The count of the rows with data.

        • Sum: Additive total.

      • List: Click List Values to enter a list of valid responses to the question. You can enter a maximum of 255 characters.

      • Multi-Line Text: Click Format and specify the Number of Lines, from 3 to 50 lines. Multi-Line Text determines how many lines of text are visible, without scrolling, on the Actions dialog boxes. The maximum length should be less than 4,000 characters.

        Select Include Attachments if you want to include an Attachments section on the Actions dialog box.

      • Number: Enter a value xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx (17 digits and 9 decimal places). Click Format and select number formatting options:

        • For Decimal Places, enter a value for the number of decimal places to display.

        • For Display As Percentage, select if you want a percentage to display.
        • Select the Thousands Separator option if you want numbers to display a thousands separator (for example, 1,000.00).

        • For Currency Symbol, select a currency symbol; for example, $ (United States of America Dollar).

        • For Negative Number, select how to display negative numbers; for example, (123).

        • For Scale, select a scale value for numbers; for example, 1000.

      • Text: Enter a maximum of 4000 characters.

      • True/False

      • User

      • Yes/No

    • Calculation: Select to add logical and mathematical functions for attributes in the Calculation tab.

      See Defining Calculation Attributes.