Properties Panel

On the right side of the Dashboard Designer is the Properties panel where you can set general properties for the entire dashboard as well as component-specific properties.

The Properties panel can be resized. To resize the panel, hover over the left side of the panel and drag it. To hide the panel, click Dashboard 2.0 Hide and Unhide Properties Panel icon (Properties) at the top of the page. Click Dashboard 2.0 Hide and Unhide Properties Panel icon (Properties) again to reopen the panel.

Table 16-5 Properties Panel

Icon Description
Dashboard General properties icon

The General tab includes the following properties for the entire dashboard:

  • Name: Edit the title of the entire dashboard.

  • Description (optional): Describe the dashboard.

  • POV Bars: Show or hide POV bars.

  • Global POV Bar: Enable or disable the global POV bar.

  • Style: Select the dashboard color scheme. Options are Default, Light, and Dark.


    If you select Dark, dashboard error messages and legend text will be more difficult to view.
  • Borders: Show or hide component borders.

  • Background: Select a new dashboard background from a menu of colors.


    If your dashboard contains a grid, only the background color will change. The grid color will remain the same.
  • Use Name as Title: Selecting No lets you customize the dashboard's title. You can further customize the title by changing the font family, font size, bolding, italicizing, underlining, font color, and font background color.

For information about POVs, see About Global and Local POVs in Dashboard 2.0.

Associations properties icon

The Associations tab lists the rules associated with the dashboard and the underlying form data.


You can associate rules which are required to be run during a global Save. These rules can be associated or removed at any time.

You can add rules and edit them:

  • If no rules are associated, click Add rules icon (Add/Edit business rules) to view a list of rules from which to choose. Rules already associated with forms in the dashboard are listed first and are named as follows:

    Business Rules for <name of form>

  • When you add rules, you'll need to specify when the rule should run: Before Load, After Load, Before Save, After Save, Use Members on Form, Hide Prompt.

  • Under Actions, you can delete rules or change the order in which they will run: Move to Top, Move Up, Move Down, Move to Bottom, and Delete.

  • If the rules have runtime prompts, they will be displayed when the rule is run.

Dashboard 2.0 Chart properties icon

The Chart tab includes properties for the selected components in the dashboard such as chart title, component height, width, and background color. You can also change the chart type, the data source type, and which underlying form is used for each component. Using different background colors for each component enables you to uniquely differentiate each dashboard component. Removing the chart title frees space that is then adjusted for the local POV bar and for the chart itself.

For rows and columns, the total amount of form data that's allowed to be visualized in a chart is 10,000 cells. By default, this is 100 rows and 100 columns. However, you can change the number of rows and columns to any combination where the multiplication totals 10,000 cells or less; for example, if you reduce the number of rows to 5, then you can increase the number of columns to 2,000 (5 x 2000=10,000).


The 10,000 cell visualization limit does not apply to grids.

If the form associated with a chart exceeds the 10,000 cell visualization limit, it might result in discrepancies between the data you see in the form and the way the data is visualized in the dashboard chart. It also might result in some other runtime issues such as drilling through on charts and legends.

If you've added Commentary or URL information types to this component, you can edit the content of those information types at the bottom of this tab.

Dashboard 2.0 Object Display properties icon (this icon will change depending on the component that's selected in the dashboard)

This tab lets you customize visualizations for the selected chart or table.

Set display properties for the selected components such as how to scale values, show or hide row dividers or grid lines, choose different font sizes and colors for headers and data, set orientation vertically or horizontally, define legend positions, add spark charts to tables, add a secondary Y-axis, and so on.

See the chart type topics for detailed property descriptions.


For data visualizations in Dashboard 2.0, the custom color palette now supports only 12 colors instead of 15. If you created a dashboard in an earlier update that used 15 colors, you will continue to see 15 colors at runtime. However when you try to change the custom colors, the dashboard designer will only display 12 colors from which you can select and save.

Dashboard 2.0 Layout properties icon

The Layout tab includes the POV, Row, and Column properties for the selected cube for quick analysis.

See About Quick Analysis.