Entering Data for Suppressed or Excluded Members

In forms, users can directly select a member from the drop-down list on the row dimension in the form, and then enter and save data for that member.

Depending on how your Service Administrator or Form Designer configured the drop-down member selectors, you may add data to member rows that would have otherwise been suppressed or excluded.

To access a drop-down member selector in a form and add members and data:

  1. Open a form and locate a drop-down member selector by hovering over the row dimensions.

    If a dimension member contains a drop-down member selector, an arrow appears in the cell; for example:

    drop-down arrow for adding data for a member
  2. Click the down arrow in the cell to launch the member selector, then scroll or search for the member to add.

    Here's an example of the member selector after clicking the down arrow in the 7645: Airfare cell. You can enter a member name in the Search box or scroll through the list to locate the member to add. For this example, we'll choose 7620: Legal Services.

    Example member selector showing a list of members you can add

    Click in editable cells to add or change data. For example, the 7620: Legal Services data cell shown here can be edited:

    Example of an editable cell
  3. In the row you have just added, modify or add data in the editable cells, as you require, and then click Save.

    The row member you selected and the data you entered are added to the form.

    In this example, the 7620: Legal Servics member and the data that was entered (5,000) is added to the form.

    Example showing the newly added member and data
  4. Repeat this procedure to add other members and data to the form.

Guidelines for Entering Data for Suppressed or Excluded Members

When using the drop-down member selector, keep in mind the following:

  • The drop-down content (list of members) is controlled by the form definition for the corresponding segment.

  • Selections are not retained. If you perform a Refresh after selecting a member from the drop-down but before saving, the selection is lost and the form returns to its original state.

  • The drop-down selection will be lost on saving data. Modifying data cells and saving data will not retain modified drop-down selections.

The drop-down member selector on row dimensions requires configuration in the Form Designer in the web interface. The Service Administrator or form designer specifies the drop-down selectors as segment properties for particular row dimensions. For example, suppose there are two dimensions placed on row axes, Entities and Line item; the member selector drop-down may be enabled for the Entity dimension members, for the Line item dimension members, or for both. Configuration is described in the administration guides for your business process.